1. L. N. Zhinkin. In book: Yearbook of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, AMN SSSR. Account of the Scientific Research Work of the Institute for 1956. Vilnus, 1957, p. 523.
2. L. N. Zhinkin. Transactions of the All-Union Scientific Engineering Conference on Application of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiations in the National Economy and in Science. Moscow, 1958, p. 109.
3. L. N. Zhinkin. In book: Radioactive Indicators in Histology [in Russian] Leningrad, 1959, p. 68.
4. L. I. Chekulaeva, Dokl. AN SSSR 1957, vol 117, No. 6, p. 1081.
5. L. I. Chekulaeva. In book: Radioactive Indicators in Histology [in Russian] Leningrad, 1959, p. 34.