1. Bodenheimer, F.S. (1930) Die Schädlingsfauna Palacstinas. Paul Parey, Berlin.
2. Catling, H.D. (1970) Notes on new minor pests of citrus in southern Africa.S. Afr. Citrus.J. 444: 11–13.
3. Elchlin, I.D. (1982) Carob moth in California: New State record.Calif. Dep. Fd Auric. Memo Nov. 26, 1982.
4. Engle, C.E. and Barnes, M.M. (1983) Cultural control of navel orangeworm in almond orchards.Calif. Agric. 37(9,10): 19.
5. Gothilf, S. (1968) The biology of the carob moth (Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zell.) in Israel. I. Mass culture on artificial diet.Israeli Ent. 3: 109–118.