1. Bouma, N., B.M.S. van Praag and J. Tinbergen, “Testing and Applying a Theory of Utility,”European Economic Review, VIII (1976), pp. 181–191.
2. Hartog, J.A., P. Nijkamp and J. Spronk, “Operational Multiple Goal Models for Large Economic Environmental Systems,” paper presented at the 9th IFIP Conference on Optimization Techniques, Warszawa (mimeographed, Erasmus University, Rotterdam), September 1979.
3. Haveman, R.H., “Tinbergen's Income Distribution: Analysis and Policies - A Review Article,”Journal of Human Resources, XII (1977), pp. 103–114. Also published in the Dutch journalDe Economist CXXV, pp. 161–173, and as Reprint 232 in the Reprint Series of the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin at Madison; WI.
4. Helmers, F.L.C.H.,Project Planning and Income Distribution, Boston/The Hague/London, 1979.
5. Hennipman, P.,Welvaartstheorie en economische politiek, published under the editorship of J. van den Doel and A. Heertje, Alphen aan den Rijn/Brussel, 1977.