1. RFC 2475 “An Architecture for Differentiated Services,” S. Blake, D. Black, M. Carlson, E. Davies, Z. Wang, W. Weiss, December 1998.
2. RFC 2638 “A Two-bit Differentiated Services Architecture for the Internet,” K. Nichols, V. Jackobson, L. Zhang, July 1999.
3. “QBone Bandwidth Broker Architecture,” QBone Signaling Design Team, http://qbone.internet2.edu/bb/bboutline2.html (Accessed May 2006).
4. “Bandwidth Broker Implementation,” Information and Technology Telecommunication Centre, University of Kansas, http://www.ittc.ukans.edu/∼kdrao/BB/ (Accessed September 2006).
5. T. Braun and G. Stattenberger, Performance of a Bandwidth Broker for DiffServ Networks, Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KiVS03), Leipzig, Germany, March 25–28, 2003.