1. Ackefors H. 1964. Winter activity of shrews in the subnivean environment. Zoologisk Revy 26: 16–22. [In Swedish with English summary]
2. Aitchison C. W. 1978. Spiders active under snow in southern Canada. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 42: 139–148.
3. Aitchison C. W. 1979a. Notes on low temperature activity of oligochaetes, gastropods and centipedes in southern Canada. American Midland Naturalist 102: 399–400.
4. Aitchison C. W. 1979b. Winter-active subnivean invertebrates in southern Canada. II. Coleoptera. Pedobiologia 19: 121–128.
5. Aitchison C. W. 1979c. Winter-active subnivean invertebrates in southern Canada. I. Collembola. Pedobiologia 19: 113–120.