1. S.Antoniazzi, G.Schapeler, “An Open Software Architecture For Multimedia Consumer Terminals∝, European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques (ECMAST '97), Milan, Italy, May 1997.
2. S.Antoniazzi, J.Buschmann, E.Marcozzi, A.Profumo, “Internet and New Interactive Multimedia Services: Integration Opportunities∝, European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques (ECMAST '96), ACTS Session, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1996.
3. ISO/IEC 13522-5, Information Technology — Coded Representation of Multimedia and Hypermedia Information: Part 5 — Support for Base-Level Interactive Applications, IS, November 1996 (MHEG-5).
4. World Wide Web Consortium, “HTML 3.2 Reference Specification∝, W3C Recommendation, January 1997.
5. ISO/IEC CD 14772, “The VRML 2.0 Specification∝, August 1996.