1. J. Korevaar, Discrete Sets of Uniqueness for Bounded Holomorphic Functionsf (z, w). Lecture Notes Prepared in Connection with the Summer Institute on Entire Functions and Related Parts of Analysis held at University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, June 27?July 22 (1966), 111-Q-1 to 111-Q-11.
2. L. I. Ronkin, "On the completeness of systems of the functionse i and on real sets of uniqueness of entire functions of several variables," Funktsional. Analiz i Ego Prilozhen.,5, No. 4, 94?95 (1971).
3. N. S. Landkof, "Capacity and Hausdorff measures, Estimates of potentials," Uspekhi Mat. Nauk,22, No. 2, 189?195 (1965).
4. B. Ya. Levin, The Distribution of the Roots of Entire Functions [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1956).
5. L. I. Ronkin, Introduction to the Theory of Entire Functions of Several Variables [in Russian], Izd. Nauka, Moscow (1971).