1. A. Morette, “On the System Arsenic-Vanadium. An Arsenide of Vanadium, AsV,”Compt. Rend, 212, 639–641 (1941) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
2. K, Bachmayer and H. Nowotny, “Investigations of the Vanadium-Arsenic System,”Monatsk Cham.,86,741–744 (1955) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
3. F. Hulliger, “New Representatives of the NbAs2 and ZrAs2 Structures,”Nature, 204,775 (1964). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
4. H.G. Meissner and K. Schubert, “Constitution of Some Systems Homologous and Quasihomologous to T5-Ga. Pt. 2. The Systems Cr- Ga, Mn-Ga, and Fe-Ga and Some Notes on the Systems V-Sb and V- As,”Z. Metattkd.,56, 523–530 (1965) in German. (Crys Structure, Equi Diagram; Experimental)
5. H. Boiler and H. Nowotny, “X-Ray Investigations of the System Vanadium-Arsenic-Carbon,”Monatsh Chen, 97, 1053–1058 (1966) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)