1. M. I. Vinogradova, in book: Problems of the Regulation of Breathing in Normal and Pathological Conditions [in Russian] (Moscow, 1959) p. 58.
2. T. I. Goryunova, Mechanisms of the Disturbance of Respiration in Damage to the Lungs and Upper Respiratory Tracts. Candidate's dissertation [in Russian] (Moscow, 1949).
3. T. I. Goryunova and S. I. Frankshtein, Arkh. Pat.,12, 1, 40 (1950).
4. Z. N. Sergeeva, Éksptl. Biol. i Med., No. 8, 38 (1957).
5. Z. N. Sergeeva, Nervous Mechanisms of Regulation of the Gaseous Constitution of Blood in Regional Damage of the Lungs in an Experiment on Animals. Candidat's. Candidate's dissertation [in Russian] (Moscow, 1959).