1. H. Pfisterer and K. Schubert, “New Phases of MnP (B31) Type,”Z. Metallkd., 41 (10), 358–367 (1950) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
2. K. Anderko and K. Schubert, “Crystal Structure of Pd2Si, Pd2Ge, and Pt2Ge,”Z. Metallkd., 44(7), 307–312 (1953) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
3. W.C. Dunlap, Jr., “Properties of Zinc-, Copper-, and Platinum-Doped Germanium,”Phys. Rev., 96(1), 40–45 (1954). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
4. S. Bhan and K. Schubert, “Constitution of the Systems Cobalt-Germanium, Rhodium-Silicon, and Some Related Alloys,”Z. Metallkd., 51(6), 327–339 (1960) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
5. K. Schubert, S. Bhan, W. Burkhardt, R. Gohle, H.G. Meissner, M. Potzschke, and E. Stolz, “Some Structural Results on Metallic Phases (5),”Naturwissenschaften, 47, 303 (1960) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)