1. 1. M. Pauri and M. Vallisneri, “Marzke-Wheeler coordinates for accelerated observers in special relativity,” Found. Phys. Lett. 13, 401 (2000) (gr-qc/0006095).
2. 2. D. Alba and L. Lusanna, “Simultaneity, radar 4-coordinates and the 3+1 point of view about accelerated observers in special relativity,” gr-qc/0311058 29 Apr 2004; “Radar 4-coordinates and equal-time Cauchy surfaces for arbitrary accelerated observers,” Florence preprint, November 3, 2004.
3. 3. D. Bini, L. Lusanna and B. Mashhoon, “Limitations of radar coordinates,” gr-qc/0409052, 17 Dec 2004.
4. 4. B. Mashhoon, “Limitations of spacetime measurements,” Phys. Lett. A 143, (1990) 176; “Measurements theory and general relativity,” in: Black Holes: Theory and Observation, F. W. Hehl, C. Kiefer, and R. Metzler, eds. (Springer, Berlin, 1998), pp. 269–284; see also “The hypothesis of locality and its limitations,” in Relativity in Rotating Frames, G. Rizzi and M. L. Ruggiero, eds. (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2004), p. 43.
5. 5. R. D. Klauber, “Toward a consistent theory of relativistic rotation,” in Relativity in Rotating Frames, G. Rizzo and M. L. Ruggiero, eds. (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2004), p. 2. See also p. 5.