1. E. Lubkin:Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc.,11, 397 (1966).
2. C. J. Isham, A. Salam andJ. Strathdee:Phys. Rev. D,3, 867 (1971).
3. W. C. Hammel andE. Lubkin: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee preprint, «Strong» and «weak» gravity: A class of generally covariant mixing models of spin-2neutral fields, UWM-4867-73-7, which supersedes UWM-4867-72-6.
4. V. I. Ogievetsky andI. V. Polubarinov:Ann. of Phys.,35, 167 (1965), see particularly p. 170 and Sect.5.
5. S. Deser: inNonpolynomial Lagrangians, Renormalization and Gravity, Vol.1, edited byA. Salam., ofLectures from the Coral Gables Conference on Fundamental Interactions at High Energies (New York, N. Y., 1971).