1. A. Altshuler and U. Brehm, Non-existence of weakly neighborly polyhedral maps on the orientable 2-manifold of genus 2,J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, to appear.
2. A. Altshuler and U. Brehm, The weakly neighborly polyhedral maps on the non-orientable 2-manifold with Euler characteristic −2, to appear.
3. U. Brehm, Weakly neighborly polyhedral maps on the projective plane, the Möbius strip and the Klein bottle, to appear.
4. U. Brehm and A. Altshuler, On weakly neighborly polyhedral maps of arbitrary genus,Israel J. Math. 53 (1986), 137–157.
5. U. Brehm and A. Altshuler, The weakly neighborly polyhedral maps on the torus,Geom. Dedicata 18 (1985), 227–238.