Electroweak breaking and Higgs boson profile in the simplest linear seesaw model


Fontes Duarte,Romão Jorge C.ORCID,Valle J. W. F.


Abstract We examine the simplest realization of the linear seesaw mechanism within the Standard Model gauge structure. Besides the standard scalar doublet, there are two lepton-number-carrying scalars, a nearly inert SU(2)L doublet and a singlet. Neutrino masses result from the spontaneous violation of lepton number, implying the existence of a Nambu-Goldstone boson. Such “majoron” would be copiously produced in stars, leading to stringent astrophysical constraints. We study the profile of the Higgs bosons in this model, including their effective couplings to the vector bosons and their invisible decay branching ratios. A consistent electroweak symmetry breaking pattern emerges with a compressed spectrum of scalars in which the “Standard Model” Higgs boson can have a sizeable invisible decay into the invisible majorons.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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1. The Type-I Seesaw family;Journal of High Energy Physics;2024-07-08

2. Dynamical scoto-seesaw mechanism with gauged BL symmetry;Physical Review D;2024-02-28

3. Linear seesaw mechanism from dark sector;Journal of High Energy Physics;2023-09-08

4. Phenomenology of the simplest linear seesaw mechanism;Journal of High Energy Physics;2023-07-28

5. W-mass anomaly in the simplest linear seesaw mechanism;Physics Letters B;2022-11








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