1. E. Katz, Z.U. Khandker and M.T. Walters, A Conformal Truncation Framework for Infinite-Volume Dynamics, JHEP 07 (2016) 140 [arXiv:1604.01766] [INSPIRE].
2. A.J.A. James, R.M. Konik, P. Lecheminant, N.J. Robinson and A.M. Tsvelik, Non-perturbative methodologies for low-dimensional strongly-correlated systems: From non-abelian bosonization to truncated spectrum methods, Rept. Prog. Phys. 81 (2018) 046002 [arXiv:1703.08421] [INSPIRE].
3. E. Katz, G. Marques Tavares and Y. Xu, Solving 2D QCD with an adjoint fermion analytically, JHEP 05 (2014) 143 [arXiv:1308.4980] [INSPIRE].
4. E. Katz, G. Marques Tavares and Y. Xu, A solution of 2D QCD at Finite N using a conformal basis, arXiv:1405.6727 [INSPIRE].
5. N. Anand, V.X. Genest, E. Katz, Z.U. Khandker and M.T. Walters, RG flow from ϕ4 theory to the 2D Ising model, JHEP 08 (2017) 056 [arXiv:1704.04500] [INSPIRE].