1. 4CH collaboration: The 4CH Project. https://www.4ch-project.eu/
2. Abadi M, Agarwal A, Barham P, Brevdo E, Chen Z, Citro C, Corrado G,S, Davis A, Dean J, Devin M, Ghemawat S, Goodfellow I, Harp A, Irving G, Isard M, Jia Y, Jozefowicz R, Kaiser L, Kudlur M, Levenberg J, Mané D, Monga R, Moore S, Murray D, Olah C, Schuster M, Shlens J, Steiner B, Sutskever I, Talwar K, Tucker P, Vanhoucke V, Vasudevan V, Viégas F, Vinyals O, Warden P, Wattenberg M, Wicke M, Yu Y, Zheng X (2015) TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Systems. Software available from tensorflow.org, https://www.tensorflow.org/
3. Abadi M, Barham P, Chen J, Chen Z, Davis A, Dean J, Devin M, Ghemawat S, Irving G, Isard M, Kudlur M, Levenberg J, Monga R, Moore S, Murray DG, Steiner B, Tucker P, Vasudevan V, Warden P, Wicke M, Yu Y, Zheng X (2016) TensorFlow: A system for large-scale machine learning. arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.1605.08695. arXiv:1605.08695
4. Ahmetovic M (2020) Multi-analytical approach for The study of a Xvii century florentine painting: complementarity and data-crossing of the results of non-invasive diagnostics aimed at attribution and conservation. Master’s thesis, University of Florence
5. Albertin F, Ruberto C, Cucci C, Callieri M, Potenziani M, Siotto E, Pingi P, Scopigno R, Bettuzzi M, Brancaccio R, Morigi MP, Castelli L, Taccetti F, Picollo M, Stefani L, Vita F (2021) “Ecce Homo’’ by Antonello da Messina, from non-invasive investigations to data fusion and dissemination. Scient Rep 11(1):15868. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-95212-2