1. Moseley L. No brain, no pain: it is in the mind, so test results can make it worse [Internet]. 2015. Available from: https://bodyinmind.org/no-brain-no-pain/. Accessed 3 Sep 2018.
2. Louw A. Treating the brain in chronic pain. In: Fernández-de-lasPeñas C, Cleland JA, Dommerholt J, editors. Manual therapy for musculoskeletal pain syndromes: an evidence- and clinical-informed approach. London: Elsevier; 2016. p. 66–75.
3. • Frangos E, Richards EA, Bushnell MC. Do the psychological effects of vagus nerve stimulation partially mediate vagal pain moedulation? Neurobiol Pain. 2017;1:37-45. A good review on the effects of vagus nerve stimulation on pain perception and psychological factors.
4. •• McCraty R. Science of the heart: exploring the role of the heart in human performance. Boulder Creek: HeartMath Institute; 2015. A very good review that explore interesting aspects of the science of the heart in the fields of psychophysiology and neurocardiology including pain perception.
5. Crofford LJ. Chronic pain: where the body meets the brain. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2015;126:167–83.