1. A. C. S. Committee Report, Analysis of Commercial Fats and Oils, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.,12, 379 (1930).
2. A.O.C.S. Tentative Method Ka 2-47.
3. A.O.C.S. Tentative Method Ka 9-51 for 60-minute Wijs.
4. Blumer, L., German Patent 647,179, June 29., 1937; Saunders. S. L. M. (unassigned). British Patent 487, 681, June 20, 1938; Ubben, R. T., (Armstrong Paint and Varnish Works), U. S. Patent, 2, 246, 768, June 24, 1941.
5. Boeseken, J., and Hoevers, R., Rec. trav. chim.,49, 1165 (1930).