1. Douglas, P. P., R. B. Shaw, and V. E. Diersing. 1989. Rediscovery ofTetramolopium arenarium subsp.arenarium var.arenarium (Asteraceae: Astereae) on the Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii.Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 76:1182–1185.
2. Funk, E. J. 1986. Botanical survey report, proposed multipurpose range complex, Pohakuloa, Hawaii, dba Consultants, Honolulu, Hawaii.
3. Herbst, D. 1985. Trip report, Pohakuloa Training Area, 3–5 April 1985. Honolulu, Hawaii.
4. Herbst, D., and J. J. Fay. 1979. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination that three Hawaiian plants are endangered species.Federal Register 44:62468–62469.
5. Kramer, W. R. 1986. Letter to Col. J. S. Wasielewski, Subject: Comments on the project’s possible impacts on endangered or threatened species of plants or animals. No date, but received by USASCH 27 May. Honolulu, Hawaii.