1. A. B. Basset,A Treatise on Hydrodynamics, vol. 2, Dover Publ., New York (1961).
2. J. Boussinesq,Theorie analytique de la chauleur, vol. 2, Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1903).
3. C. W. Oseen,Hydrodynamik, Leipzig (1927), pp. 114–134.
4. C. M. Tchen,Mean Value and Correlation Problems Connected with the Motion of Small Particles in a Turbulent Fluid, Ph. D. thesis, Delft (1947).
5. S. Corrsin—J. Lumley,On the equation of motion for a particle in turbulent fluid, App. Sci. Research,6-A (1956), p. 114.