1. Fred vanBlommenstein, Electronic Commerce, Internet en EDI, Informatie, January 1998, pp. 14–25, (Dutch language)
2. several articles on Electronic Commerce / Internet Inroads, Communications of the ACM, Volume 39, nr. 6, June 1996.
3. EDI Control Guide, EDI Council of Australia / EDP Auditors Association, 1990, 46 pp.
4. Linda Garceau / Victor Matos / Santosh K. Misra, The use of Electronic Money in Electronic Commerce Systems, IS Audit and Control Journal, Volume III, 1998, Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), pp. 14–24.
5. Belden Menkus, Understanding security and audit issues in electronic document interchange, EDPACS, July 1998, pp. 6–19.