1. Henrik R. Andersen. Partial model checking (extended abstract). Technical Report ID-TR: 1994-148, Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, October 1994. Accepted for LICS’95.
2. Henrik R. Andersen, Colin Stirling, and Glynn Winskel. A compositional proof system for the modal μ-calculus. In Proceedings, Ninth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 144–153, Paris, France, 4–7 July 1994. IEEE Computer Society Press. Also as BRICS Report RS-94-34.
3. S. Berezin, E. Clarke, S. Jha, and W. Marrero. Model checking algorithms for the mu-calculus. Technical Report TR CMU-CS-96-180, Carnegie Mellon University, September 1996.
4. M. C. Browne, E. M. Clarke, and O. Grumberg. Characterizing finite kripke structures in prepositional temporal logic. Theoretical Computer Science, 59(1-2), July 1988.
5. R. E. Bryant. Graph-based algorithms for boolean function manipulation. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-35(8):677–691, August 1986.