1. Thomas Keffer and Allan Vermeulen. Math.h++ Introduction and Reference Manual. Rogue Wave Software, Corvallis, Oregon, 1989.
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3. John V. W. Reynders, Paul J. Hinker, Julian C. Cummings, Susan R. Atlas, Subhankar Banerjee, William F. Humphrey, Steve R. Karmesin, Katarzyna Keahey, M. Srikant, and Marydell Tholburn. POOMA. In Gregory V. Wilson and Paul Lu, editors, Parallel Programming Using C++. MIT Press, 1996.
4. Todd L. Veldhuizen. Expression templates. C++ Report, 7(5):26–31, June 1995. Reprinted in C++ Gems, ed. Stanley Lippman.
5. Scott W. Haney. Beating the abstraction penalty in C++ using expression templates. Computers in Physics, 10(6):552–557, Nov/Dec 1996.