1. Ross Ashby. Design for a brain. Chapman and Hall, London, 1952.
2. Herbert Jaeger. The dual dynamics design scheme for behavior-based robots: a tutorial. Technical Report 966, GMD, St. Augustin, 1996.
3. David McFarland. Towards robot cooperation. In Dave Cliff, Philip Husbands, Jean-Arcady Meyer, and Stewart W. Wilson, editors, From Animals to Animats 3. Proc. of the Third International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. The MIT Press/Bradford Books, Cambridge, 1994.
4. D. McFarland and A. Houston. Quantitative Ethology: the state-space approach. Pitman Books, London, 1981.
5. Marvin Minsky. The Society of Mind. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1985.