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3. European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) (2019a). Euro NCAP Test Protocol — AEB Car-to-Car Systems. Version 3.0.2. https://cdn.euroncap.com/media/56143/euro-ncap-aeb-c2c-test-protocol-v302.pdf
4. European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) (2019b). Euro NCAP Test Protocol — AEB VRU Systems. Version 2.0.4. https://cdn.euroncap.commedia/26997/euro-ncap-aeb-vru-test-protocol-v20.pdf
5. European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP, 2019c). Euro NCAP Test Protocol — Safety Assist. Version 9.0.2. https://cdn.euroncap.com/media/53156/euro-ncap-assessment-protocol-sa-v902.pdf