1. W.C. Roberts-Austen,Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A187 (1896), pp. 383–415.
2. E. Kirkendall, L. Thomassen, and C. Upthegrove, “Rates of Diffusion of Copper and Zinc in Alpha Brass,”Trans. AIME, 133 (1939), pp. 186–203.
3. E.O. Kirkendall, “Diffusion of Zinc in Alpha Brass,”Trans. AIME, 147 (1942), pp. 104–110.
4. A.D. Smigelskas and E.O. Kirkendall, “Zinc Diffusion in Alpha Brass,”Trans. AIME, 171 (1947), pp. 130–142.
5. C.H. Desch,Repts. Brit. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., 82 (1912), pp. 348–372.