1. N. R. Parsons:The Design and Operation of AN ARE Cosmic Ray Recorder ≪ 0 ≫, Australian Nat. Antarctic Res. Expeditions Interim Report no. 17, Melbourne (March 1937).
2. E. P. George:Progress in Cosmic Ray Physios,J. G. Wilson (Ed.), chap. 7 (Amsterdam, 1952).
3. L. I. Dorman:Cosmic Ray Variations, State Publishing House for Technical and Theoretical Literature (Moscow, 1957). Translation Tech. Doc. Liason Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Washington, 1958).
4. H. Trefall andJ. Nordö:Tellus,11, 4, 467 (1939).
5. H. Trefall:International Conference on Cosmic Radiation. National Institute for Scientific Investigation (Mexico, 1958).