1. Guntz H. (1898) Sur la chaleur de formation du carbure de lithium (Heat of formation of lithium carbide). Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci 126:1866-1868 in French (Equi Diagram, Thermo; Experimental)
2. A. Hérold. Recherches sur les composés d’insertion du graphite (Studies on Graphite Insertion Compounds). Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr., 5th Ser., 1955, p 999-1012, in French (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
3. Fedorov P.I., Mezn-Tszen Su (1957) The Lithium-carbon System. Huaxue Xuebao 23:30-39
4. G.T. Furukawa, M.L. Reilly, and J.H. Piccirelli, Entropies of Some Carbides and Nitrides and Titanium Metal at 298.15 K, NBS Report No. 6645, 1960, Preliminary Report on the Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Light-element Compounds, p 10-18 (Thermo; Review)
5. D.R. Secrist and W.J. Childs Lithium from carbide reaction studies, USAEC Report, 1962, TID-17149. Experimental, 21 p (Equi Diagram)