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2. A. Yazawa and M. Kameda, Fundamental Studies on Copper Smelting. III. Partial Liquidus Diagram for Cu2S-FeS-FeO System, Technol. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 1955, 19(2), p 239-250
3. N. Korakas, Etude thermodynamic de l’équilibre entre scories ferro-siliceuses et mattes de cuivre. Application aux problèmes posés par la formation de magnetite lors du traitement des minerais sulfurés de cuivre, Univirsité de Liège, Liège, 1964
4. M. Kameda and A. Yazawa, The Oxygen Content of Copper Mattes. In Physical Chemistry of Process Metallurgy, part 2, 1961. TMS Conference on Proceedings Interscience, N.Y
5. U. Kuxmann and F.Y. Bor, Studies on the Solubility of Oxygen in Copper Mattes under Ferric Oxide Slags Saturated with Silica, Erzmetall, 1965, 18, p 441-450