1. A. S. Fokht, ?Inequalities for solutions of elliptic equations and their derivatives near the boundary of a domain in the L2 metric,? Proceedings of the Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR [in Russian], Vol. 77 (1965).
2. A. S. Fokht, ?Imbedding theorems for solutions of elliptic equations,? Proceedings of the Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR [in Russian], Vol. 105 (1969).
3. A. S. Fokht, ?Integral estimates for generalized derivatives of solutions of elliptic second-order equations in the Lp metric with p > 2, and related imbedding theorems,? Proceedings of the Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR [in Russian], Vol. 117 (1972).
4. A. S. Fokht, ?Estimates for generalized derivatives of solutions of second-order elliptic equations in the Lp metric with 1 < p < 2, and related imbedding theorems,? Differentsial'. Uravneniya (in press).
5. A. S. Fokht, ?Integral estimates for derivatives of solutions of homogeneous elliptic equations with reduced requirements on the smoothness class of the boundary of the domain,? Ukr. Matem. Zh.,24, No. 6 (1972).