1. E. C. Subbarao and H. S. Maiti, Solid State Ionics 11 (1984) 317.
2. B. C. H. Steele, in Proceedings of the VI CIMTEC ? World Congress on High Tech Ceramics, Milano, 24?28 June, 1986, edited by P. Vincenzini (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987) p. 105.
3. A. O. Isenberg, Solid State Ionics 3/4 (1981) 431.
4. Y. Ohno, S. Nagata and H. Sato, in Proceedings of the 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Seattle, 18?22 August, 1980 (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1980) p. 881.
5. D. C. Fee, P. E. Blackburn, D. Busch, T. D. Claar, D. W. Dees, J. Dusek, B. Flandermeyer, R. Fousek, T. E. Kraft, C. C. Mcpheeters, F. C. Mrazek, R. B. Poeppel, S. A. Zwick and J. P. Ackerman, in Proceedings of the 1985 Fuel Cell Seminar, Tucson, 19?22 May, 1985, p. 111.