Quantum otto machine in Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model with magnetic field and a symmetric cross interaction


Abd-Rabbou M. Y.,Khalil E. M.,Al-Awfi Saud


AbstractThis study investigates the quantum heat correlations associated with the quantum Otto machine, considering the discrete sides of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model as the working medium in the presence of a magnetic field and a symmetric cross interaction. The eigenenergy and occupation probabilities of two-sided and three-sided spin interactions are determined at thermal equilibrium. The results reveal symmetrical heat correlations around the coupling of the symmetric cross interaction, regardless of whether the working medium adopts anisotropic XY, Ising model, or mixed ferromagnetism. The work done by two or three sides of the mixed ferromagnetic working substance exhibits symmetry but with different maximum bounds. Furthermore, the efficiency of the two-sided mixed ferromagnetism model improves as the exchange parameter increases, while the maximum efficiency of the anisotropic XY model is lower compared to the efficiency of the Ising model and mixed ferromagnetism. It is also highlighted that a quantum heat engine or refrigerator can be generated by controlling the system’s anisotropy parameter using a three-sided spin interaction.


Al-Azhar University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC








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