Qaleh Kurd Cave (Qazvin, Iran): Oldest Evidence of Middle Pleistocene Hominin Occupations and a Human Deciduous Tooth in the Iranian Central Plateau


Vahdati Nasab Hamed,Berillon Gilles,Hashemi Seyyed Milad,Bahain Jean-Jacques,Sévêque Noémie,Jayez Mozhgan,Bonilauri Stéphanie,Jamet Guillaume,Kharazian Mohammad Akhavan,Nateghi Asghar,Abdollahi Alieh,Antoine Pierre,Beheshti Iraj,Boulbes Nicolas,Chapon-Sao Cécile,Gallet Xavier,Falguères Christophe,Garbé Lisa,Kazzazi Mandan,Mousavi Ahmad Zavar,Nematollahinia Sareh,Özçelebi Jonathan,Stoetzel Emmanuelle,Tombret Olivier,Zeitoun Valéry


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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