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3. Adelana SMA, Bale RB, Wu M (2004) Water quality in a growing urban centre along the coast of south western Nigeria. In: Seilder KPW, Xi R (eds) Research basic and hydrological planning. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 83–92
4. Adelana SMA, Olasehinde PI, Vrbka P (2005) A quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge in part of the Sokoto basin, Nigeria. J Environ Hydrol 14(5):1–16
5. Adelana SMA, Abiye TA, Nkhuwa C, Tindinugaya C, Oga MS (2008) Urban groundwater management and protection in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Adelana SMA, MacDonald AM (eds) Applied groundwater studies in Africa. International Association of Hydrogeologists, Reading, pp 222–259 (selected papers)