1. New York Mental Hygiene Law, Article 45, 1977.
2. Sundram CJ: Independent Oversight of Mental Hygiene Facilities: The New York Experience,Journal of Psychiatric Treatment and Evaluation 2:45?48, 1980.
3. A Review of Living Conditions in Nine New York State Psychiatric Centers, May 1984 (Albany: NYS Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled, 1984).
4. Living Conditions in New York State Psychiatric Centers Revisited: A Report of Follow-up Visits to Nine Psychiatric Centers, February 1985 (Albany: NYS Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled, 1985).
5. Staff Report on Institutionalized Mentally Disables prepared by the United States Committee on Labor and Human Resources and the Committee on Appropriations, April 1, 1985.