1. L. Faddeev:Sov. Phys. JETP,12, 1014 (1961);Sov. Phys. Doklady,6, 384 (1961);7, 600 (1963).Mathematical Problems of the Quantum Theory of Scattering for a Three-Particle System, translated byJ. B. Sykes (H. M. Stationery Office, Harwell, England).
2. J. G. Taylor:Phys. Rev.,150, 1321 (1966). See also,J. G. Taylor:Suppl. Nuovo Cimento,1, 875 (1964).
3. V. Alessandrini andR. Omnès:Phys. Rev.,139, B 167 (1965).
4. S. Weinberg:Phys. Rev.,133, B 232 (1964).
5. H. Cohen, A. Pagnamenta andJ. G. Taylor:Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.,11, 94 (1966).