Patellar tendinopathy: an overview of prevalence, risk factors, screening, diagnosis, treatment and prevention


Theodorou AndreasORCID,Komnos Georgios,Hantes Michael


AbstractPatellar tendinopathy (PT), or jumper’s knee, is an overuse injury that occurs in professional, as well as recreational, athletes. This condition is a noncontact injury, typically characterized by gradually increasing pain in the patellar tendon. It is prevalent in participants of several sports, but it occurs mostly in jumping sports. The diagnosis of PT is primarily clinical; however, imaging techniques can be useful as well. Risk factors differ between sexes, playing conditions, the kind of sport, playing level and personal characteristics. Screening is an essential tool to assess PT. This condition affects athletic performance and often persists for years. The use of preventative methods is imperative because of the persistence of this condition, especially in elite athletes who sometimes end their career after long and failed treatments. There are a wide variety of treatment and rehabilitation options available, the majority of which are non-operative, such as eccentric exercises, cryotherapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, and anti-inflammatory strategies. If conservative treatment fails, surgery is the next most preferable step. Even though there are many surgical treatment methods, there is no clear evidence on what is the most effective approach to address PT. Taking this into consideration, as well as the extent of this clinical entity, novel therapeutic techniques, as well as screening and prevention methods, are expected to emerge in the near future.


University of Thessaly Central Library


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,General Medicine,Surgery,Surgery







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