1. J. D. Embury, A. Kelly and R. Nicholson, “Strengthening methods in crystals” (Applied Science, New York, 1971) p. 331.
2. Liu Yi-Lin, L. Delaey, E. Aernoudt and O. Arkens, Mater. Sci. Engng.
96 (1987) 125.
3. Bent Bay and Niels Hansen, Second RISO International Symposium on Metallurgy and Material Science, Nenwark, Denmark, edited by N. Hansen, A. Horsewell, T. Leffers and H. Liholt (RISO National Laboratory, 1981) p. 137.
4. D. J. Lloyd and D. Kenny, Metall. Trans. A
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5. Bent Bay and Niels Hansen, ibid.— 15 (1984) 287.