1. Zinn, W.: J. Magn. Mater.3, 23 (1976)
2. Battles, J.W., Everett, G.E.: Phys. Rev. B1, 3021 (1970)
3. Fisher, M.E., Nelson, D.R.: Phys. Rev. Lett.32, 1350 (1974);
4. Kosterlitz, J.M., Nelson, D.R., Fisher, M.E.: Phys. Rev. B13, 412 (1976)
5. A first experimental estimation of the location of the bicritical points in EuTe can be found in Ref. 6, K�bler, U., Apfelstedt, I., Zinn, W., Fischer, K.: (unpublished), but to our knowledge a detailed study of bicritical phenomena in EuTe has not yet been performed