1. Leibovitz, S.Sign versus speech in the imitation learning of a mute autistic child. Unpublished master's thesis, School of Human Communication Disorders, McGill University, 1976.
2. Baron, N. S., & Isensee, L. M.Effectiveness of manual versus spoken language with an autistic child. Unpublished manuscript, Brown University, 1976.
3. Webster, C. D., Konstantareas, M. M., & Oxman,J. Simultaneous communication with severely dysfunctional nonverbal children: An alternative to speech training. Unpublished working paper in Child Development and Care, University of Victoria, 1976.
4. Creedon, M. P.Language development in nonverbal autistic children using a simultaneous communication system. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, 1973.
5. Dores, P., & Carr, E. G.Teaching sign language to psychotic children: Assessing simultaneous communication. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, September 1979.