1. G. Freeman and A. Pyatt, “Comparison of Cellhouse Concepts in Electrolytic Zinc Plants,” Lead-Zinc-Tin ′80 ed. by J.M. Cigan, T.S. Mackey, and T.J. O’Keefe, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pa., 1980, p. 222–246.
2. Y. de Bellefroid and R. Delvaux, “New Vieille-Montagne Cellhouse at V.M. Balen Plant Belgium,” Lead-Zinc-Tin ′80 ed. by J.M. Cigan, T.S. Mackey, and T.J. O’Keefe, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pa., 1980, p. 204–221.
3. L.A. Painter, “The Electrolytic Zinc Plant of Jersey Miniere Zinc Company at Clarksville, Tennessee,” Lead-Zinc-Tin ′80 ed. by J.M. Cigan, T.S. Mackey, and T.J. O’Keefe, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pa., 1980, p. 124–143.
4. L.A. Painter et al., “Jersey Miniere Zinc: Plant Design and Start-Up,” E&MJ, 181 (7) (1980) p. 65–88.
5. H.H. Kellogg, “Energy Use in Zinc Extraction,” Lead-Zinc-Tin ′80 ed. by J.M. Cigan, T.S. Mackey, and T.J. O’Keefe, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Pa., 1980, p. 28–47.