Risk Stratification in Lung Resection


Salati Michele,Brunelli Alessandro


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



Reference43 articles.

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5. • Brunelli A, Cassivi SD, Fibla J, Halgren LA, Wigle DA, Allen MS, Nichols FC, Shen KR, Deschamps C. External validation of the recalibrated thoracic revised cardiac risk index for predicting the risk of major cardiac complications after lung resection. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011;92:445–448. The Authors validated the use of a multiparametric cardiac risk index (ThRCRI) developed to assess the risk of adverse cardiac events after lung resection. They found, in a cohort of 2,621 patients, a progressive increase of observed complication rate in line with the class of risk assigned to the patients (class A: cardiac complication rate 0.9%, B: 4.2%, C: 8%, D: 18%). This study confirm the reliability of the ThRCRI.








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