1. D. McLean: Creep Processes in Coarse-Grained Aluminum. Journal Inst. of Metals, 1951–1952, vol. 80, pp. 507–519.
2. O. D. Sherby, R. L. Orr, and J. E. Dorn: Creep Correlations of Metals at Elevated Temperatures. AIME Trans., 1954, vol. 200, pp. 71–80; Journal of Metals, January 1954.
3. J. E. Dorn: Some Fundamental Experiments on High Temperature Creep. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1954, vol. 3, pp. 85–116.
4. H. I-Lieh Huang, O. D. Sherby, and J. E. Dorn: Activation Energy for High Temperature Creep of High Purity Aluminum. AIME Trans., 1956, vol. 206, pp. 1385–1388; Journal of Metals, October 1956.
5. O. D. Sherby, J. Lytton, and J. E. Dorn: Activation Energies for Creep of High Purity Aluminum. Accepted for publication in Acta Metallurgica, 1956.