1. V. N. Kapshay, A. D. Linkevich, V. I. Savrin, and N. B. Skachkov, Nuovo Cimento A,66, 45 (1981).
2. V. N. Kapshai, A. D. Linkevich, V. I. Savrin, and N. B. Skachkov, ?Structure functions of mesons and covariant wave functions of bound states of quarks?, Soobshchenie (Communication) R2-81-481 [in Russian], JINR, Dubna (1981).
3. A. D. Linkevich, V. I. Savrin, and N. B. Skachkov, Teor. Mat. Fiz.,53, 20 (1982).
4. A. A. Logunov and A. N. Tavkhelidze, Nuovo Cimento,29, 380 (1963).
5. Dedicated to N. N. Bogolyubov on the Occasion of his 60-th Birthday;V. G. Kadyshevskii,1969