1. D. Alpay, The Schur Algorithm, Reproducing Kernel Spaces and System Theory, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2001.
2. D. Alpay, V. Bolotnikov, F. Colombo, and I. Sabadini, Beurling-Lax theorem, interpolation of Schur multipliers and related topics in the slice-hyperholomorphic setting (tentative title), in preparation.
3. D. Alpay, V. Bolotnikov, F. Colombo, and I. Sabadini, Schur-Agler classes in the slice-hyperholomorphic setting (tentative title), in preparation.
4. D. Alpay, F. Colombo, and I. Sabadini, Krein-Langer factorization and related topics in the slice hyperholomorphic setting, J. Geom. Anal., to appear. DOI 10.1007/s12220-012-9358-5.
5. D. Alpay, F. Colombo, and I. Sabadini, Schur functions and their realizations in the slice hyperholomorphic setting, Integral Equations Operator Theory 72 (2012), 253–289.