1. Truby, F. K.: J. Appl. Physics26, 1416 (1955
2. Drost-Hansen, W.: On Dislocation Mechanisms in Ice. Paper read at meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Santa Fe, N. Mex., April 1955.?Workman, E. J., andW. Drost-Hansen: Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union36, 534 (1955).
3. Gentile, A. L., andW. Drost-Hansen: On the Origin of Dislocations in Ice. Paper read at meeting of AAAS, Las Cruces, N. Mex., May 1956.
4. The ice was formed from water having a specific resistivity of 3 megohms.
5. Vanderberg, R. M., andJ. W. Ellis: J. Chem. Physics22, 2088 (1954).