1. Babcock, E.B., and R.E.Clausen. 1918. Genetics in relation to agriculture. New York: McGraw-Hill.
2. Bateson, W., R.C. Punnett, and E. Saunders. 1906. Experimental studies in the physiology of heredity (report to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society, III), 2–11. London: The Royal Society [p.152-161 in Bateson’s collected papers].
3. Bateson, W.W. (1913, third impression with additions, 2 earlier printings in 1909). Mendel’s principles of heredity. London: Cambridge University Press.
4. Baur Erwin. (1914) Einführung in die experimentelle vererbungslehre. Verlag von der Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin
5. Callebaut W. (1993) Taking the naturalistic turn: Or how real philosophy of science is done. University of Chicago Press, Chicago