1. H. Y. Sohn, D. B. George, and A. D. Zunkel (eds.), Advances in Sulfide Smelting, Vol. 1, Basic Principles, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1983.
2. H. Y. Sohn, D. B. George, and A. D. Zunkel (eds.), Advances in Sulfide Smelting, Vol. 2, Basic Principles, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1983.
3. A. R. Udupa, K. A. Smith, and J. J. Moore, “Reductive Roasting of Chalcopyrite without SO2 Formation,” pp. 317–328 of Ref. 1.
4. H. Ahmadzai, S. Blairs, B. Harris, and L.-I. Staffanson, “Oxidation Aspects of the Lime-Concentrate-Pellet Roasting Process,” Met. Trans. B, 14B (1983), pp. 589–604.
5. K. Rajamani and H. Y. Sohn, “Kinetics and Sulfur Fixation in the Reduction or Oxidation of Metal Sulfides Mixed with Lime,” Met. Trans. B, 14B (1983), pp. 175–180.