1. Yu. A. Berezin and R. Kh. Kurtmullaev, PMFT (in press).
2. R. Kh. Kurtmullaev, Yu. E. Nesterikhin, V. I. Pil'skii, and R. Z. Sagdeev, Second Intern. Conf. Plasma Phys. Culham, 1965.
3. I. W. M. Paul, L. S. Holmes, M. J. Parkinson, and J. Sheffield, Second. Intern. Conf. Plasma Phys. Culham, 1965.
4. R. Z. Sagdeev, in: Problems of Plasma Theory [in Russian], 4, Atomizdat, Moscow, 1964.
5. Yu. A. Berezin, PMTF [Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics], 1, 107, 1966.