1. Indicates key paper 07Isa: E. Isaak and G. Tammann, “On the Alloys of Iron with Tin and Gold”,Z. Anorg. Chem., 53, 281–297 (1907) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)
2. 30Now: L. Nowack, “Age-Hardening Noble-Metal Alloys”,Z. Metallkd., 22(3), 94–103 (1930) in German. (Equi Diagram; Review)
3. 30Web: F. Weber, unpublished work as cited in [30Now]. “. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
4. 31Shi: J. W. Shih, “Magnetic Properties of Gold-Iron”,Phys. Rev., 38, 2051–2055 (1931). (Magnetism; Experimental)
5. Indicates key paper 34Jet: E. R. Jette, W. L. Bruner, and F. Foote, “An X-Ray Study of the Gold-Iron Alloys”,Trans. Met. Soc. AIME, 111, 354–359 (1934). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)